European Contract Law and the Creation of Norms (22-23 June 2018)

Porwanie Europy - Martynczuk

On 22–23 June Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Society of European Contract Law (SECOLA) organize a conference „European Contract Law and the Creation of Norms”. It brings together leading experts from academic institutions in Europe and beyond, in order to discuss various dimensions of sources of contemporary contract law. The conference will focus, in particular, on the novel ways of creating “regulatory content”, which emerge to a great extent without a direct involvement of a state legislation and pose a substantial challenge to the already existing conceptual and legal framework. The conference will be organized in the Maria Lubomirska-Radziwiłłowa Palace (Warsaw, ulica Długa 26). The registration details are available at the website:

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Posted on by Mateusz Grochowski in Competition, Consumer Law, Contract Law, General Issues, International

Does comparative advertising need to be up to date?


In its judgment of 10 October 2012 (case No I ACa 856/12),[1] the Appeal Court in Krakow found that comparative advertising may compare prices from a different dates, and that companies may continue their advertising even if the competitor changes the prices. It is only necessary to provide customers with precise information on the dates when the prices being compared were valid.

In the contentious advertisement, the operator of a chain of supermarkets, Tesco, compared the prices of a large number of fast-moving goods with prices applied by operators of various discount markets. The advertising campaign was carried out using the phrase “Discount prices” and included methods such as a promotional newspaper and many other forms associated within Tesco markets: posters, comparative price tags on the shelves and under particular products. Read more

Posted on by Michał Strzelecki in Competition