Ewa Łętowska

Law and e-society. The new paradigm of discourse


Years ago, Jerzy Starościak, a professor of administrative law, opened one of his books with the statement: “thick books on narrow issues are gone.” This was not true then, and is still not true today. Thick, analytical books will always be needed; enabling lawyers to develop their skills. Nonetheless, it is true that “thick books” have lost their monopoly in the legal discourse, as the discourse itself and its participants have changed.

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Posted on by Ewa Łętowska in General Issues

Let’s start!


We hope that our internet site – on private law in Poland – is the start of something big ahead. So why now, why about civil law, and why in English?

The contemporary legal discourse does not need only “thick books”, but requires also more flexible ways of informing about legal concerns – like blogs and internet websites. They alter the paradigm of exchanging legal information, departing from the traditional, solely analytic discourse, into more diverse ways, responding to newly-arising needs. Read more

Posted on by Ewa Łętowska in General Issues